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Adult Learn to Swim

Recommended for:

  • Beginners working on breath control, balance and comfort.

  • As well as Intermediate swimmers working on stroke technique and endurance.


What are the Benefits?

  • Anti-Gravity Exercise - easy on bones, minimizes impact

  • Increased Confidence, Cardiovascular Activity, Technique

Adult Stroke Clinic

Recommended for:

  • Intermediate swimmers building stroke technique

What are the Benefits?

  • Build endurance and technique

  • Workout goals build to Master’s Swimming

Learn more

Water Exercise Classes

Exercising in the water is one of the most effective ways of increasing cardiovascular strength, muscle endurance and muscle flexibility. Water by its nature is very soothing and cathartic for many; however, it’s the unique properties of water that are beneficial to the masses. Any level athlete, from the novice to professional, can benefit from at least one water workout per week.

Aquatics Programming

Current Programming & Schedules

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